

[my screen]

The screen I have is just a wood frame, about 12"x19," that hinges onto a little base. It does not have a screen on it, just a groove all the way around so you can stretch your own screen over it. A while back, I bought a few yards of organdy to stretch and use as a screen. It works alright because you can see through the threads, there are holes large enough for ink to go through, but still small enough to get a little bit of detail.


When I stretch the fabric over the wood frame, I get it a little wet first, since it stretches more when it is wet. I'm not really sure if this actually makes a difference and makes the screen tighter when it's dry, but I like to think it does, anyway.

The cord I had for stretching the screen ended up breaking at one of the corners, since I used to have a lot of difficulty pushing it into the groove. I lost the small piece, so had to cut the rest of the cord into a bunch of small pieces in order to hold the screen in well enough... gotta make do with what you have!


I was super excited, though, when I found out there are tools to help you push the cord into the groove! It made stretching a screen so much easier, since before, I used the corner of a scraper to push the cord down little bits at a time. The tool is kind of like a mini, wider pizza cutter, which is way easier to put weight onto...

[stretching the screen]

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